About the Adams County Soil Conservation District
Our Conservation District's Mission and Purpose
Soil Conservation Districts are democracy in action. The Soil Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the State, organized under the North Dakota Soil Conservation District Law enacted in 1937. They are organized by the vote of the people within the district and are managed by a board of supervisors.
Each Soil Conservation District in North Dakota is managed by a five person board of supervisors. Three of the supervisors are locally elected, serving a six-year term, and two of the supervisors are appointed, serving a one-year term.
The Adams County Soil Conservation District serves Adams County in southwestern North Dakota, with Hettinger holding the county SCD office. The District holds regular monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month. Special meetings can be called for a warranted purpose.
Adams County Soil Conservation District Purpose:​
The general purpose of the Soil Conservation in representing the citizens of Adams County is to:
Focus attention on land, water, soil, and natural resource problems
Develop programs to solve these problems
Provide financial and technical assistance to solve these problems
Enlist and coordinate help from all public and private sources that can contribute to accomplishing the District's goals